
Our plastic surgeons use advanced techniques to treat orbital disease and enhance facial appearance. We also train fellows and teach other orbital specialists from around the world.

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Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for orbital and ophthalmic plastic surgery?

Our orbital and ophthalmic plastic surgeons offer surgical treatment for patients with orbital disease and injuries and those interested in enhancing their appearance. 眼眶是颅骨内的一个腔,称为眼窝. It houses the eyeball and its muscles, blood vessels and nerves. The orbit may be affected by inflammation, infection, tumors or trauma.

Our team is part of the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Stein Eye Institute and Doheny Eye Centers, 眼科护理在全国排名第五 U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道.


Multispecialty护理: 我们与眼科专家合作, 介入神经放射学, 神经外科, 头颈外科, radiation oncology and craniofacial surgery to offer a breadth of experience not available elsewhere in Southern California.

知名医师专长: Our surgeons are recognized experts in orbital and ophthalmic plastic surgery. We teach courses that attract orbital specialists from all over the world. We also lead a fellowship program to train future leaders in orbital and ophthalmic plastic surgery.

先进的手术技术: We continually research and implement new surgical techniques to offer patients the most advanced care. 例如, the specialists in our 审美中心 have pioneered minimal incision surgery techniques that enhance facial appearance and function.


Our orbital and ophthalmic plastic surgery team provides extensive services. We research, diagnose and treat a wide range of eye conditions.


自1998年以来, surgeons trained in both ophthalmic and plastic surgery have delivered individualized, 通过我们的美容中心提供高品质的护理.

A major focus of the Center is to research facial aging and surgical healing. We also conduct studies to develop new techniques for aesthetic surgery, 不断为病人提供最有效的治疗, 创新的治疗方法.


The 眼窝疾病中心 brings multispecialty expertise to the research and treatment of orbital diseases. Multiple physicians work together to care for patients with orbital diseases arising from trauma, 癌症, 炎症和感染.

We offer nonsurgical and surgical treatments for orbital disease, using several procedures not available elsewhere in the region. The Center also leads a research program for thyroid eye disease to learn new surgery techniques and best practices.


We offer treatment for a wide range of diseases affecting the eye, including:

眼肿瘤: An irregular mass of cells occurring anywhere on or in the eye. Eye tumors may start in the eye (primary tumors) or spread from other parts of the body (secondary tumors).

眼睑疾病: Conditions of the eyelids, including skin 癌症s and lesions (growths) on the eyelid

眼睑下垂: An eyelid disorder that causes drooping of the upper eyelids, 经常堵塞瞳孔,损害视力 

Graves眼病(甲状腺眼病): 一种影响甲状腺功能的自身免疫性疾病. Eye symptoms may include inflammation in the white part of the eyeball, 眼睑肿胀或眼睛凸出.

泪障碍: Conditions that affect the part of the eye that makes tears (lacrimal gland)

轨道骨折: Breaks in one or more of the bones that make up the eye socket (orbital bone)


Ophthalmic plastic surgeons treat patients who want to enhance their appearance, 以及患有眼窝疾病或受伤的患者.



内窥镜提眉: 在这个微创手术中, 外科医生在发际线上做小切口, gently lifts the skin around the eyebrows and holds it in place with small stitches.

整容(整容术): The surgeon makes small incisions around the hairline or ear, 然后轻轻地抬起面部两侧的皮肤. 他们也可以雕刻或去除面部和颈部的脂肪.

脂肪转移: These procedures move fat from one area of the body to another to improve appearance. 例如, people may have a fat transfer to the face to create a more youthful look.  

填充物和注射剂: These facial injections of hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin can reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

小切口眼睑成形术: This surgery is designed to address age related changes in the upper and lower eyelids by conservatively removing skin or fat in the upper and lower eyelids.

激光换肤: 外科医生用激光去除表层皮肤. New collagen fibers form, revealing tighter, more youthful skin. People use this treatment to minimize fine lines, wrinkles, scars or blemishes.


Our ophthalmic plastic surgeons work with a team of specialists, 包括眼科医生和头颈外科医生, 提供眼眶疾病的治疗. 我们提供以下程序:

骨重建: 在这个复杂的过程中, 外科医生重建创伤后的眶骨, 先天性异常, 感染或疾病.

视神经管减压: This procedure relieves pressure on the optic nerve (optic neuropathy). Surgeons make small incisions in the nose and sinuses and remove a small portion of bone in the tunnel where the optic nerve runs (optic canal).

轨道减压: This surgery removes a portion of the orbital bone to reduce the appearance of bulging eyes. Surgeons use orbital decompression to treat Graves’ eye disease.


Our team includes experts who are trained in both ophthalmology and plastic surgery. We continually research new treatments and train others in the latest techniques.


呼叫 310-206-8250 to request an appointment with an ophthalmic plastic surgeon at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


We offer both aesthetic treatments and surgery for orbital disease. 呼叫 310-825-2631 以了解更多有关我们的服务.