Care Compliments

Stacy W.

I had a breast biopsy this morning and was extremely nervous. 史黛西是护士,她非常善于确保我知道发生了什么事, efficient at getting it done and so very caring. I could not have been more pleased on how the appointment went. Thank you again Stacy

By: Janet K.

Guadalupe M.

Guadalupe was so kind and patient on the phone. 当医院的账单部把我绕来绕去时,她的回答超越了我的问题,瓜达卢佩甚至更进一步,帮助我了解如何通过在实验室而不是在紧急护理中心做化验来避免未来更高的费用

By: Sara B.

Murray K.

A big THANK YOU to Dr. Murray Kwon and his team for a very successful bypass surgery for my husband. 一切都进行得很顺利,我一直被告知手术的进展情况.

By: Diana B.

Tamela R.

I would like to compliment Tamela R. 感谢她为我获得急需的抗癌药物所做的不懈努力. Upon hearing an approval was still pending, 她的表现超出了我的期望,确保我对病人的护理没有受到影响. 我在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校从事医疗保健工作已经5年了,不仅是Tamela的服务标准,当我打电话给她时,她总是很友好地回复我,这与我的专家的出色护理是一致的.

By: Leatrice F.

Sohan C.

Very friendly staff in Maddie's Room. Kept us informed on patient's status. Thank you!

By: Yosef F.

Gabriela S.

This is review is long over due. I was referred to Dr. Gabriela Sauder by my oncologist. My previous PCP (who I loved) Dr. Esraghi was out on maternity leave. I was having trouble receiving care without a PCP. 我有非常复杂的病史,所以我对看新医生犹豫不决. And I am admittedly very picky. 没有必要担心,索德医生知识渊博,专业而有爱心. She runs on time, but I did not feel rushed. Or that she was one foot out the door. 她沟通得很好,并在一天内通过门户回答我的问题. This is not common for all physicians. She treated me with respect and kindness.

By: Tina O.

Daniel Uslan M.

This review is specific to Dr. Daniel Uslan, and Dr. Meher K. Singha in the Infectious Disease Department in Westwood. I admit, I was annoyed when I arrived. It took four month wait to get the appointment and a 1 1/2 hour drive. Then, 我被告知我要找的医生不在那里,我要去看“同事”(仍在完成培训)。. I got a little snippy with the receptionist. He assured me I was in good hands, he was patient and kind. I reluctantly stayed. Jon the LVN was professional, caring and funny. Silly Me. Dr. Singha was AMAZING. 她不慌不忙,倾听我的担忧,预习我的咨询笔记. She carefully explained everything. Then she consulted with her attending, Dr. Daniel Z. Uslan. 他进来了,又和我呆了40分钟,回顾了一切,仔细地解释了他的想法. In the middle of the visit my husband texted to tell me he had Flu type A, so he was kind enough to write a prescription for prophylactic
Tamiflu. 我对我的医疗团队非常挑剔,我会强烈推荐这些优秀的医生.

By: Tina O.


Suua对这家人和候诊室里的每个人都很关心. 他彬彬有礼的态度和举止使我们一家人在非常困难的情况下感到轻松. The entire staff we came across has been very supportive. Thank you for being so kind.

By: Yecenia L.

Sohan S.

Sohan是贵公司所需要的最彻底、最专业的人. He represented himself and UCLA with the utmost professionalism!!!

By: Kennedy C.

Mr. Tate M.

Mr. Tate came to help us clean up when my dad was recovering from a stroke. He went above and beyond just cleaning. He asked me my favorite color, then came back with a bracelet that has a tree, representing a family tree. 我仍然戴着这个手镯,因为它让我想起他在我的家人经历非常困难时的善良. My family still shares this experience and I want Mr. Tate to know how much I appreciated him then and now. Thank you for warming our hearts and your kindness. We appreciate you!

By: Nedjatolla L.

Belinda B.

I hope this message finds you well. 我写这封信是为了对贝琳达今天提供的出色帮助表示诚挚的感谢.

贝琳达帮我解决了一个复杂的保险问题. 她的同情心、理解力,最重要的是,她的同情心真的很了不起. 她积极倾听我的担忧,并提供鼓励的话,这产生了显著的影响.

贝琳达在保险事宜上的关心和奉献是非常出色的. Her positive impact reflects well on UCLA, 我相信她体现了让服务体验真正出色的品质.

我想花一点时间来感谢贝琳达的杰出贡献,并对你们团队中有这样一位富有同情心和同理心的人表示感谢. 像贝琳达这样的人为皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的良好声誉和氛围做出了巨大贡献.


By: Deborah W.

Christine J.

想认识一下恩西诺成像中心的CT技术员克里斯汀·约翰逊. 患者在CT上有一个紧急/紧急的发现,她能够在扫描仪上的初始图像上识别. 她适当地打电话给现场的放射科医生,并启动了将患者转移到医院接受紧急手术的协议. Patient was stable and calm the whole time but hesitiated to proceed. 病人没有临床上的不稳定但我担心这是一颗定时炸弹. In my opinion, 她可能阻止了一个潜在的坏结果,并可能挽救了这个病人的生命. Tremendous kudos to her!!

By: donald K.

Diana R.

Diana the nurse that was on duty, she was very attentive to the patient's needs and care, and even to the visiting family, she was very nice to offer water or tea. Her gestures are commendable and her professionalism is as well! 她的工作态度和关心病人和家属的姿态正是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校、病人和来访者所需要的.

By: Cathy G.

Monica , Peter, Karen. Madison, All staff U.

我们在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校遇到的每一位工作人员和志愿者都很专业, kind, knowledgeable, on time, helpful

By: Michelle B.

Dr Elizabeth K.

after 10 years of working with Dr. Elizabeth Ko我相信我有资格说她是西海岸最好的医生中的最好的. Always thorough, 而且还记得我家族病史的最微小的细节, Dr Ko has kept us in good health.. 我们将把我们家的下一代交给她照顾,我们非常有信心她会保证他们的安全.

By: Strath H.

Deb J.

I was treated with respect and attentiveness by the staff. They addressed me as the unique guest that I was. They were friendly and upbeat. 我在皇冠hga025大学旧金山分校也有过类似的经历,但并没有得到很好的治疗.

By: Marc G.

Sohan C.

Sohan was one of the staff at the front desk. 我们一直在等待一位家庭成员做大手术, he checked in with us multiple times to provide helpful information, gave updates on the status of the procedure, and share what we can expect in the hours to come. 索汉帮助把本来就很紧张的情况变成了一种尽可能好的体验. He embodies the pride and prestige of UCLA medical. THANK YOU SOHAN! 🙂

By: Tony U.

Ms. K.

Excellent post-op care. Kind, reassuring, professional. Patient and clear.

By: Evita C.

Raquel U.


By: Evita C.

Renyl J.

她以一种热情、专业、关怀的方式解释了每一步,让我丈夫放心. Excellent IV insertion and blood draw.

By: Evita C.

Share a Care Compliment

Thank a physician, nurse, 通过对您的病人或员工的护理表示赞赏而对您的病人或员工的体验产生积极影响的工作人员或志愿者.