
At The Men’s Clinic, our urologists are improving the way men access health care services.

Jesse N. Mills, MD
Jesse N. Mills, MD


通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的男性诊所, 我们治疗所有影响男性泌尿系统的疾病, sexual, 生殖健康. We aim to be an active part of changing how men interact with health care services.  

Many men don’t seek regular medical care until they turn 50 and start prostate cancer screenings. 但在50岁之前,有许多健康问题可能会发生. 当您选择UCLA医疗中心的泌尿科服务时,您是在选择:  

建立了经验: Our specialists have years of experience in urology and men’s sexual 生殖健康 care. We provide the highest-quality care and have performed thousands of surgeries with excellent success rates.

综合治疗: 我们与多位专家合作,比如心脏病专家, endocrinologists 营养师会提供你可能需要的所有专业护理.

增加获得保健的机会: To increase access for all patients, we offer clinic visits through a secure video connection. 远程保健为患者提供了获得护理的更多选择, 包括在自己舒适的家中完成一次访问.

Our services

We provide a comprehensive range of services designed to optimize men’s health care. 我们的服务包括:  

Hormone management

In the United States, experts estimate that around 15 million men have low testosterone (hypogonadism). 低睾丸激素会影响你生活的方方面面, 从生育能力下降到性欲减退再到注意力不集中.

我们的专家为低睾酮提供个性化的治疗方案. 我们提供各种类型的睾丸激素治疗, 包括口服药物, gels, 注射和植入长效微丸.


We have multiple areas of focus for improving fertility for men and individuals with external reproductive organs. 这些服务包括:

癌症生育管理: We partner with oncologists and reproductive endocrinologists to ensure that men with cancer diagnoses learn about fertility risks and treatment options. 我们提供多种生育保护和治疗方案, 包括精子库和辅助生殖技术.

囊性纤维化生育治疗: Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition that can cause the vas deferens (tube that transfers sperm) to deteriorate, even before birth. Through The Men’s Clinic, we offer fertility treatment for men with cystic fibrosis. Often, we can use a technique called microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration to extract sperm directly from the testicles.  

男性生育能力评估: Experts estimate that up to one-third of couples have trouble getting pregnant due to male infertility. At The Men’s Clinic, we perform comprehensive fertility assessments to find the root cause of fertility problems. Your fertility evaluation may include blood work, semen analysis or an ultrasound examination.   

Semen analysis: We provide discrete in-house, cost-effective semen analysis with same-day results. We give results immediately so we can talk through appropriate treatment plans before you even leave our clinic. We sometimes use a test called a DNA fragmentation index to determine if sperm is the cause of recurrent miscarriages.

脊髓损伤生育能力: Spinal cord injuries often interfere with ejaculation; but in many cases, 男性的精子产量仍然是典型的. 我们使用多种策略来获取精子用于生育治疗. 如果你有脊髓损伤, you may be a candidate for intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

跨女性生育能力评估: Prior to bottom gender affirmation surgery and hormone affirmation therapy, trans-women can provide sperm samples to freeze for later use if they decide they want to become a biological parent.


Erectile dysfunction is extremely common after a prostatectomy (prostate removal). 如果没有帮助,完全康复可能需要一到两年的时间. 通过我们的诊所,我们提供治疗,以促进更快的恢复.

You may be a candidate for oral medications, injection therapy or vacuum erection pumps. These pumps help improve blood flow and enable men to achieve sexual function after prostate cancer. 

Sexual health

性健康通常是难以讨论的问题. But men who remain sexually active later in life tend to live longer and feel more fulfilled.

我们鼓励男性讨论一些医学问题,比如勃起功能障碍, 性欲减退和其他挑战. Our specialists are experts in treating sexual 生殖健康 concerns. In fact, we have achieved national recognition for our clinical and surgical management of men’s reproductive, sexual, 荷尔蒙状况.


The specialists in The Men’s Clinic treat a variety of conditions, including:

良性前列腺增生: As men age, their prostates can enlarge and cause urinary symptoms including slowed urinary stream, 尿频增加,夜间频繁起床小便.

射精功能障碍: 高潮和射精是复杂的荷尔蒙, psychological and neurological processes and men can suffer from either too rapid ejaculation or delayed ejaculation and absence of orgasm. 很多时候,有射精障碍的医疗解决方案.

勃起功能障碍: 不能勃起不能勃起或维持足够长的时间进行性交.

Hydrocele: A type of swelling in the scrotum that occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath surrounding a testicle.

性腺功能减退(睾酮水平低): 当你的身体没有产生足够的睾丸激素(男性荷尔蒙).

Peyronie’s disease: 当阴茎内的疤痕组织导致疼痛的弯曲勃起时. As of 2013, there are FDA approved medical therapies to treat this debilitating condition. Some men may also benefit from advanced surgical techniques to improve their quality of life.

Prostatitis: Inflammation and swelling in the prostate (small gland that produces semen and sperm).

Spermatocele: 睾丸正上方或后面的一种常见的生长物.

Varicocele: One of the most common causes of testicular discomfort and male fertility issues is a varicocele. Varicoceles are abnormal swollen veins that surround the testicle and can be treated with a minimally invasive microsurgical procedure.


All our treatments aim to improve quality of life, and sexual 生殖健康. 我们提供的主要治疗包括:

睾酮替代疗法: 服用雄激素(雄性激素)来治疗性腺功能减退等疾病.

Sperm extraction: Procedures to take sperm directly from the testicles for fertility treatment.

Vasectomy: Cutting or sealing the vas deferens (tubes that carry sperm) to prevent pregnancy.

Vasectomy reversal: 重新连接输精管以使妊娠顺利进行.

显微外科再发: 去除阴囊肿胀或扩大的静脉(精索静脉曲张).

阴茎植入手术: 为帮助男性勃起而植入装置的手术.

睾丸植入手术: 一个由生理盐水制成的假睾丸,外观和触感都很逼真.

Xiaflex: 用于治疗的药物 Peyronie’s Disease. It is an enzyme (collagenase clostridium histolyticum) that breaks down certain types of collagen found in scar tissue. The purpose of Xiaflex treatment is to soften or dissolve your penile plaque, 导致形状畸形的改善.

Our expert team

Our male reproductive medicine and surgery specialists have years of experience in identifying, diagnosing, 治疗各种男性健康问题. We use leading-edge treatment options and partner with multiple specialists to provide comprehensive care.

Contact us

Call 310-794-7700 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的泌尿科医生.

Find your care

我们在一个方便的诊所提供男士保健. 欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 310-794-7700.