
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 retina disease specialists offer the latest treatments for conditions affecting the retina.



Our retina disease specialists provide a wide range of services for patients with conditions affecting the retina, 眼睛的内层,让你能看到东西. As part of the team at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Stein Eye Institute and Doheny Eye Centers, our specialists rank fifth in the nation in ophthalmology care, 如下所列 U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道.


研究重点: Our specialists are active researchers, continually learning and researching new treatment options. This research emphasis allows eligible patients access to new and promising treatments through clinical trials. 例如, 通过我们的视力康复中心, we've led studies to customize robotic devices that assist patients with low vision.

协调护理: Many diseases that affect the eyes involve care from multiple specialists. We work closely with other physicians, such as those in ophthalmic genetics, 内分泌学 或者肿瘤学,提供全面,协调的护理.

教学与培训: We train residents and fellows and draw international audiences with our teaching courses. When you choose our team, you are choosing recognized, highly trained experts.


Retinal disease specialists offer a wide range of services. 我们通过几个中心和项目来治疗病人.


We offer comprehensive eye care to people with diabetes through the Diabetic Eye Disease and Retinal Vascular Center. Our specialists work closely with other experts to ensure you receive 全面的护理. A research focus allows us to continually expand treatment options, 为您提供最有效的治疗.


We research and treat macular degeneration through the Macular Disease Center. Patients in the Center may be eligible for new treatments through clinical trials. Our specialists work closely with experts in the 视力康复中心 to help people with low vision increase function and maximize their quality of life.


Our physicians have rare, specialized expertise in eye disorders with genetic factors. We use every necessary tool to diagnose genetic eye conditions, including new techniques available through clinical trials. Our ophthalmic genetics physicians have the advanced expertise required to interpret these tests, 确保我们提供的准确, 详细的诊断.


专家们 眼科肿瘤中心 研究、诊断和治疗眼部肿瘤. The Center has served as a hub for national, longstanding studies to research eye cancers. We partner with specialists in 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Jonsson Comprehensive 癌症中心 to deliver team-based, 全面的护理.


If you have low vision, you may benefit from treatment within the 视力康复中心. We offer assistive devices or digital technology to increase your vision ability. 在适当的时候, we can refer you to occupational therapy to provide further assistance with independent living.


We treat a comprehensive range of diseases that affect the retina. 我们治疗的一些最常见的情况包括:

糖尿病性视网膜病变: Damage to blood vessels in the eyes that can lead to vision loss and possibly blindness

外层膜: Also referred to as “macular pucker” causes blurry or distorted vision. It is a very thin layer of scar tissue that grows over the macula (part of the retina) in the back of the eye. Surgery stops the worsening, and can result in improvement

遗传性视网膜疾病: 一组遗传疾病, 包括色素性视网膜炎, 这会导致视网膜细胞破裂

黄斑变性: 一种导致视力模糊和视力丧失的疾病, either due to leaky blood vessels or a deteriorating retina

黄斑孔: A small hole in the center of the light-sensitive eye tissue (retina) that causes blurred or distorted vision

视网膜脱离: A medical emergency that occurs when the layer of tissue in the back of the eye (retina) pulls away from supporting tissues and blood vessels

视网膜撕裂: A small break in the retina, often due to traumatic injury, aging or eye surgery


Our retinal disease specialists offer a comprehensive range of treatments, including:

Intravitreal注射: 将药物直接注射到玻璃体中, a jelly-like fluid near the retina at the back of the eye, 控制感染, 炎症, 糖尿病性视网膜病变 symptoms or certain types of age-related macular degeneration  

激光手术: Uses a laser to heat small parts of the retina and repair a retinal tear

气动retinopexy: Injects gas or air into the eye to treat retinal detachment

视网膜复位: 通过手术将视网膜重新连接到眼睛后部  

散射激光光凝: Reduces blood vessel leakage in the retina and prevents new blood vessels from forming, often used to treat retinal vascular disease such as 糖尿病性视网膜病变

巩膜扣: Attaches a piece of silicone material to the eye's surface to relieve the pulling of retinal detachment

玻璃体切除术: Removes the jelly-like substance (vitreous gel) inside the eye and replaces it with air, 气体或液体. This procedure may be used during treatment for a retinal tear or detachment, 糖尿病性视网膜病变, 黄斑裂孔或眼部外伤.


Our retina disease team includes doctors who research and treat retina disease, 同时培养下一代领导人. We offer comprehensive, advanced treatment for a spectrum of retina diseases.

Melissa Chun, OD


呼叫 310-206-7474 to request an appointment with a retina disease specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our retina disease specialists offer comprehensive, coordinated care.
呼叫 310-825-5000 以了解更多有关我们的服务.