

  • 普通外科|
  • 整形外科手术
电话: 424-259-8859


欢迎来到圣莫尼卡皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康门诊手术中心. We offer world-class outpatient procedures and surgeries with outstanding customer service. See for yourself what makes 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 one of the most dependable names in health care.


早上6:30 -下午6:30
早上6:30 -下午6:30
早上6:30 -下午6:30
早上6:30 -下午6:30
早上6:30 -下午6:30


Thank you for choosing the UCLA Surgery Center in Santa Monica for your upcoming procedure/surgery. 我们期待着见到你,照顾你. On this page, you will find important information that will help prepare you for your procedure. Please follow these guidelines in conjunction with your physician's instructions.

以PDF格式下载这些说明 用英语 or 西班牙语版(西班牙语).


  • 我们的地址是 皇冠hga025圣莫尼卡16街1223号,邮编90404 (威尔希尔大道之间. 和亚利桑那大道). 您可以通过以下方式与我们联系 (424) 259-8859 or (424) 259-8850.
  • 手术前一个工作日(通常在下午2点之后).m.), you will be contacted by a Registered Nurse who will give you instructions about when to arrive at the surgery center, 什么时候停止饮食,什么时候停止服药. The nurse will also ask you for information regarding your medical history. 你将有机会提出你可能有的问题.
  • If your procedure/surgery is on 周一, you will receive a phone call the preceding 星期五.


  • 口译服务中心的代表将免费为您服务. Please notify our staff during the Pre-admission phone call 如果你 will need an interpreter so we can make arrangements ahead of time.


  • An Advance Healthcare Directive is a legal document that allows you to appoint an individual to make decisions for you in the event you are unable to do so yourself. It also provides an opportunity for you to state your wishes about the medical treatment that you do or do not wish to receive. 我们鼓励您与您的配偶讨论预先指示, 家庭成员, 手术前的精神顾问和/或医生.
  • 如果您已经完成了预先医疗指示, 请在入场当天携带复印件.


  • 完成手术前的所有检查. The results are needed in advance for your physician to review before performing your procedure.
  • 携带所有相关的医疗记录,包括影像学检查(CT), 核磁共振或x光), lab results and EKG reports with you on the day of your procedure/surgery.
  • Please be sure to arrange for an adult to drive you home after your procedure. 你的手术将是 取消了 如果你  have a 负责任的成年人 to available to take you home at time of discharge.

以下是手术前的饮食指南. Please follow instructions from your surgeon in conjunction with these guidelines.



  •  eat anything (including gum or candy) after midnight the night before surgery.
  • Adults may have clear liquids (water or Gatorade only) up until 2 hours prior to your instructed arrival time.
  • 不要嚼口香糖或吃糖果或薄荷糖.
  •  吸烟会阻碍血液循环和呼吸.



  • May have breast milk or formula until 4 hours prior to instructed arrival time.
  • May have clear liquids (water or Pedialyte ONLY) until 2 hours prior to instructed arrival time.


  • 在规定到达时间前8小时才有固体吗.
  • May have breast milk or formula until 6 hours prior to instructed arrival time.
  • May have clear liquids (water or Pedialyte ONLY) until 2 hours prior to instructed arrival time.


  • 在规定到达时间前8小时才有固体吗.
  • May have clear liquids (water or Pedialyte ONLY) until 2 hours prior to instructed arrival time.


  • Do not bring medications from home unless specifically instructed to do so.
  • Please complete the Admission Medication History 为m included in this packet.
  • 在填写您的用药历史表时, 请准确记下每次服药的剂量和频率.
  • Unless instructed to do so, please continue to take your medications as prescribed. 记住只有a small 吃药的时候喝点水.
  • 如果你正在服用血液稀释药物, including aspirin or medications for diabetes and have not received instructions about when to stop taking them, 请立即与您的内科医生/外科医生办公室联系.
  • Please discontinue taking any herbal supplements unless instructed by your physician.


  • Your prompt arrival is important in order to give our staff enough time to get you ready for your procedure/surgery. 如果你预见到准时到达会有问题, please notify the Surgery Center as soon as possible by calling (424) 259-8859 or (424) 250-8850.


  • 病人可以在大楼内停车,每天收费20美元. 你需要一张主要的信用卡来支付停车费. 周边地区有其他停车选择. Valet parking is available across the street at the main entrance to UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center at 1250 16th Street for $14 per day. (请参阅下面的视频了解更多停车信息.)


  • 一旦你到达, 请到招生处, 位于大楼一楼1400套房. 办理入住手续后, you will be instructed or escorted to the Prep and Recovery Area in Suite 2101 on the second floor. Here, the admissions process will be completed and preparation for your procedure will begin.
  • Patient care needs require that we limit the number of people allowed in the Prep and Recovery area. 只允许一个人陪你. 儿童不允许进入该区域.


  • 如果你还没有这样做, you will be asked to sign the Consent for Procedure or Surgery and Consent for Anesthesia.
  • Children and minors (under 18 years of age) must have a parent or legal guardian available to sign the consents. 请携带适当的文件证明你是未成年人的合法监护人

个人物品 & 贵重物品:

  • 我们无法更换丢失或放错地方的个人物品. 因此, 我们建议您只携带眼镜等必需品, 假牙, 听力助手, 拐杖, 助行器或轮椅送到我们的设施. 留下贵重物品,如珠宝(包括戒指), 手表, 耳环和身体穿孔)在家或与你的家人.
  • 如果你戴隐形眼镜或眼镜,你可能会被要求摘掉它们. 请带一个箱子来妥善保管.
  • 穿舒适、宽松的衣服和低跟鞋. 取决于你的程序, you may have bulky bandages that will require looser clothing when you go home.
  • 请带身份证, 任何保险卡和少量现金或一张信用卡, 哪一个可能需要支付停车费, 用于购买药品或支付自付保险.


  • After your procedure, you will be taken back to the Prep and Recovery area.
  • The nurse will monitor your progress until you are ready to be discharged.


  • 在你康复期间, you nurse will give you or your family member written instructions that may include how to care for your surgical site and what to expect during your recovery. 请在这个时候提出任何关于您的护理的问题.
  • 一定要按照护士给你的出院指示去做. 这将确保您的程序/手术的最佳恢复.
  • If any medications are ordered, they will be available for pick-up from the 1200套房门诊药房,位于一楼. 你可以选择自己选择的药店.


  • 我们要求 你有一个 负责任的成年人 有空陪你回家. 你的手术 会/可能会取消吗 if arrangements have not been made for a 负责任的成年人 to be available at the time of discharge.
  • 为 孩子们 having surgery, we recommend having two 负责任的成年人s to accompany the child home.
  • 应在您到达设施之前安排交通.


  • If you have any immediate concerns about your medical condition once you arrive home (fever, 发冷, 严重的恶心/呕吐, 出血或剧烈疼痛), 您应通过以下方式与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康页面操作员联系 (424) 259-6700 and ask for the resident on-call, or you can report to the nearest emergency room.
  • 手术后的第二天, you will receive a follow-up phone call from our nurses to make sure that you are well on your way to recovery. If your procedure was done on 星期五, you should expect the call the following 周一 morning.





以PDF格式下载这些说明 用英语 or 用西班牙语.
Please note: Valet parking at UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center is $14 per day.